Artical:The War of 1947.
(Information Indo-Pak war of 1947),
Pakistan had its first of war almost imeediately in the first kashmir war where it sent its Air Forces in to Kashmir, Kashmir had a muslim majorty population but the choise of which country to join was given to be maharaja hari singof kashmir he was neat able to decided whether to join india or pakistan by late october the over throw of the maharaja seemed immient he souught military assitance from india for which he sighn an instrument of accession with india.
The Army was pushed back the indians but hot before occupying the northwestern part of kashmir crounghly 40% of kashmir which pakistan still controls the rest remaning under indian corntral except for the portion ceded by paksitan to China.
(See also foriegn aid to Pakistan)
with the faulire at the united states to persuade india to join an anti communist pact it turned towards pakistan which in contrast with india was prepared tojoin such an allance in return of military and encomic aid and alos to find a potenail ally against india by 1954 the Americans had decided that pakistan along with tarkey and Iran would be deal countries to counter soviet influece, There fore Paksitan and usa signed the mutual defense assistance agrement and american aid began to flow in pakisan. The was followed by two more agremeents in 1965 pakistan joined the south east asian treaty arganziuth SEATO. and the baghadad pact later to be renmad as central asian treaty organzietion CENTO, after iraq in 1959 pakistan receved over abillion dollars in military aid form united states between 1954 and 1965 this aid greatly enbanced pakistan defense capabillty as new equment and weapons after demin status ended in 1956 with the formation of a constution and a declaru of pakistan as an islamic republic the military took contral in 1958 and held power for more than to years during this time paksitan had deceloped close military relations with any middle esternconutriers to whom pakistan sent military advisers and this releationship countnues to the persent day
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