Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Main Article.


United nation peaking mission involing pakistan).

In the wake of the new world power equlibring a more complex security enviroment has emergad it is charactized by growing national power politics and state implosing which have necessitated nivolvement of the united nations peace keeping froces for confict resoultion. The united nation has been undertaking peace keeping operations since for employment of increased singnificanty since the gulf war in 1992, there were 11,000 bluce berets deployed arouind the world by, the end of the year the figure rose to 82,000 presently it exceeds 80,000 trops.

Artical, (CROPS),

A crops is an Army field formation responisable for a zone with in a command theatre. There are three types of croups in the pakistan Army strike holding and mixed. A command Gernerally consists of two or more crops a crops has army divisons under its command the crops hq is the highest field. 2012, an avalanche sturck the 6th Novmber light infantry battalion headquarters in gahyari sector of siachen entrapping 135 soldiers.

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