Thursday, 6 August 2015



The military history of  Pakistan encompasses an immence ponorama of conficts and stuggles exteding for more than 2,000 year across areas constituting modern pakistan and the greater south Asia. The history of the modern day military of  Pakistan begins from post 1947, after pakistan achieved its independence as a modern nation state. The military holds a significant place in the history of pakistan as the Pakistani Armed froces have played and still countinue to play a voital roale in the pakistani establishment and shapping of the countery since its inception. Although pakistan was founded as a Democracy after its independence from the British Raj, the military has remained one of the countery most powerful institution and has on occasion overthrown Democratically efected civilan goverments on the basis self assessed mismanagement  and corruption. Almost none of the four military coups had a justifed motive successine goverments have made sure that the military has stepped into the political arena before at times of crisis through coup etat to establish military dictatorship and could do so again. The military was created in 1947, by division of the Bristh indian Army and was given units who had a long and cherished history during the Britsh indian such as the khyber Riffels and had seen intensive serves world war 1 and world war 2, may of the early leaders of the military had fought in both world wars. The military draws on inspiration from the richcombat history that has occured
with in the area of modern day pakistani soil and use example of sacrifice and perverance to embolden troops. And has named meadles of valor niknamed for combat division and indigenous weapon sueh as the short range ballistic missiles Ghaznavi. Wich is named in honour of mahmud of Ghazna who founder the Ghaznavid Empire and ruled from 997, to 1030, since the time of independence the militery has fought three major wars with indian. It has also fought a limted confict at kargil with india after acqwiring nuclear capabillites. In addition there have been serval minor border skirmishes with neighbouring Afghanistan after september 11 attacks the militaned is engaged a protracted low intenity confict along pakistan western border with aghanistan with the Taliban and Al qaeda militers as well as those who support or provide shelter to them in addition pakistan troops have also particpated in various foregin conficts usually acting as united nations peackeeprs. At present pakistan has the fargest number of its personnel acting under the united nations with the number standing at 10,173 as of 31 March 2007,

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