Saturday, 15 August 2015


Artical: (Muslim conquests.)

(see also muslim conquest in the india).

712 ce a syrian muslim chieftain called Muhammad bin qasim conquest most of the indus region for the umayyad empire in 997 cb mahamud of ghazni conquest the bulk of khorsan marched on peshwar in 1005, and followed it by the conquest of punjab1007, Balochistan 1011, kashmir 1015, and qanch 1017, by the yamuna river in the east and the Ghazavid daynasty lasted until 1187, in 1160, muhammad bin qasim conquered ghazi from the ghaznavids and became its governor in 1173, he marched eastwards into the raming ghaznavid territory and gujarat inthe 1180 but was rebuffed bu gujarat solanki rules 1186, he conquered lahore brinnging the last of ghaznevid territory under his controp and endding the ghaznevid empire muhammad Gori returned to lahore after 1200 to deal with a revoit of the rajput ghakkar raid on his punjab. He suppressed the revoit but was killed during a ghakkar raid on his camp.
on his punjab he suppressed the revoit but was killed during a ghakkar raid on his camp on the jhelum river in 1206, muhammad ghori successors established the first indo islami daynsty the delhi sultand the mamulk dynasty seized the throne of Afghan daynasites ruled their empirs form dehil the mamulik 1211-90. the khajil 1209-1320,the tughlaq 1320-1413,sayyid 1414-15, and the lodhi 1451-1526, although some kingdons ramained independent of dhile in gujarat malwa bengal and deccan almost all of the indus plain came under the rule of these large indo klamic sultanates perhaps the greatesd contribution of the sultanatc was its temporay success in insulating south asia from the mongol invasion from central asia in the bth century nonetheless the sultanes enventnally lost afghanistan and western pakistan to the mongoes.

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