Sunday, 30 August 2015


Artical:The War of 1947.

(Information Indo-Pak war of 1947),

Pakistan had its first of war almost imeediately in the first kashmir war where it sent its Air Forces in to Kashmir, Kashmir had a muslim majorty population but the choise of which country to join was given to be maharaja hari singof kashmir he was neat able to decided whether to join india or pakistan by late october the over throw of the maharaja seemed immient he souught military assitance from india for which he sighn an instrument of accession with india.
The Army was pushed back the indians but hot before occupying the northwestern part of kashmir crounghly 40% of kashmir which pakistan still controls the rest remaning under indian corntral except for the portion ceded by paksitan to China.

(See also foriegn aid to Pakistan)

with the faulire at the united states to persuade india to join an anti communist pact it turned towards pakistan which in contrast with india was prepared tojoin such an allance in return of military and encomic aid and alos to find a potenail ally against india by 1954 the Americans had decided that pakistan along with tarkey and Iran would be deal countries to counter soviet influece, There fore Paksitan and usa signed the mutual defense assistance agrement and american aid began to flow in pakisan. The was followed by two more agremeents in 1965 pakistan joined the south east asian treaty arganziuth SEATO. and the baghadad pact later to be renmad as central asian treaty organzietion CENTO, after iraq in 1959 pakistan receved over abillion dollars in military aid form united states between 1954 and 1965 this aid greatly enbanced pakistan defense capabillty as new equment  and weapons after demin status ended in 1956 with the formation of a constution and a declaru of pakistan as an islamic republic the military took contral in 1958 and held power for more than to years during this time paksitan had deceloped close military relations with any middle esternconutriers to whom pakistan sent military advisers and this releationship countnues to the persent day

Friday, 21 August 2015


Articl:Brith of the modern Military.

(Further in information History of the pakistan Air Force)  

 On June 3 1947 the British Goverment annoued its plan to divide British India and Pakistan and the subsequent transfer of power to the two countries Resulted in independence of pakistan This divison of the Britsh indian Army occured on june 30,1947 in which pakistan received six armoed eight artilleg and eight infantry regiments compared to the forty armored forty artillery and twenty one infantry regiments that went to india.At the divison conucli wich was chaired by rear admiral lord mounbatleen of burma the viceroy of In
and was composed of the leaders of  the muslim leagle and the indian nation Pakistan was forced to accepta smaller share of the armed forces as most of the military assets such as weapons depots military bases etc. Were located insde the new union of india while those that were in the new dominion of pakistan were india and pakistan had operation control over their armed forces general sir frank messery was oppend as the first army commando in cheif on the paksitan amry general messery was succeded in post in febuary 1948 by General sir dougls Gracey who served until January 1951 The Pakistan armed forces intially numbered around 150,000 men many scattered around various bases in india and needing to trans ferred to pakistan by train. The indiependencecreated large scale communal violence in the india in total around 7 million muslim migrated to the estimated requirement of 4000 officers of pakistan and 5 million sikhs and hindus to india wich over a millon people dying in pakistani armed forces only 2,300 actually available. The neutral British officers were asked to fill in the gap and nearly 500 valunteered as well as many polish and hungarian officers to run the medical cops.By october 1947 pakistani had rasid four divions in west pakistan and one division in great pakistan with and one division strength of ten infantry brigades
with thirteen tanks many birgads and battelts with in these divisons were below half strength but pakistani personael countinned to arrive from all over india the middle east and north Africa and from south east asia mountbatten and field marshal sir claud aclchinleck the last commander in chief india had made it clear to pakistan that in case of war with india on other member of the commonwealth would come to pakistan help.

Monday, 17 August 2015


Artical:Mughal Empire.

See also Mughal Army:

form the 16th to the 19 th cendury the formidable mughal empire covered much of india in 1739 the persian emeror neder shab in vadad india defeated the mughal empire muhammad sbab and occupied most of balochistan and the indus plain after. nadir shah death the kingdom of  afghanistan was eastablished in 1747 by one of his generals ahmad shah abadil and included kashmir pershwar daman multan sindh and punjab in the south a succession of atonomous dynasties had asserted the independence of sindh from the end aurangzeb regin most of balochistan came under the inflnece of the khan of kalat apart from the end of aurangzeb regin most of balochistan came under the inflnce of the khan of kalat apart from some coastal areas such as gawadar wich were ruled by the sultan of oman.  The sikh confederacy 1748-1799 was a group of small states in the punjab that empreged in a political vacum created by rivalry between the mughals afghans and persians.

The confederacy drove out the mughals repelled several afghan invasions and in 1764 captured lahore however after the retreat of ahamd shah abduil the confederacy suffered instabilly as disput and rivlries emergad the sikh empire 1799-1849was formed on the foundations of the confederacy bu rangit sing who proclamied himself sarkar warla and was referred toas the maharaja of lahore. His empire eventvally extended as far west as the khyber pass and as far south as multan amongst his conquests were kashmir in 1819 and pershawar 1834 although the afghans made two attemrts to recover peshwar agter the majaraja death empire was weaked by internal divisions and political mismanagcment the british annexd the sikh empire in 1849 two anglo sikh wars.

Saturday, 15 August 2015


Artical: (Muslim conquests.)

(see also muslim conquest in the india).

712 ce a syrian muslim chieftain called Muhammad bin qasim conquest most of the indus region for the umayyad empire in 997 cb mahamud of ghazni conquest the bulk of khorsan marched on peshwar in 1005, and followed it by the conquest of punjab1007, Balochistan 1011, kashmir 1015, and qanch 1017, by the yamuna river in the east and the Ghazavid daynasty lasted until 1187, in 1160, muhammad bin qasim conquered ghazi from the ghaznavids and became its governor in 1173, he marched eastwards into the raming ghaznavid territory and gujarat inthe 1180 but was rebuffed bu gujarat solanki rules 1186, he conquered lahore brinnging the last of ghaznevid territory under his controp and endding the ghaznevid empire muhammad Gori returned to lahore after 1200 to deal with a revoit of the rajput ghakkar raid on his punjab. He suppressed the revoit but was killed during a ghakkar raid on his camp.
on his punjab he suppressed the revoit but was killed during a ghakkar raid on his camp on the jhelum river in 1206, muhammad ghori successors established the first indo islami daynsty the delhi sultand the mamulk dynasty seized the throne of Afghan daynasites ruled their empirs form dehil the mamulik 1211-90. the khajil 1209-1320,the tughlaq 1320-1413,sayyid 1414-15, and the lodhi 1451-1526, although some kingdons ramained independent of dhile in gujarat malwa bengal and deccan almost all of the indus plain came under the rule of these large indo klamic sultanates perhaps the greatesd contribution of the sultanatc was its temporay success in insulating south asia from the mongol invasion from central asia in the bth century nonetheless the sultanes enventnally lost afghanistan and western pakistan to the mongoes.

Thursday, 13 August 2015


Articl: Ancient empires.

The Region of modern day pakistan formed the most easternmost populous and richest satrapy of the most easternmost of the persian achamemid empire for almost two centuies starting from the regin of darius the great the first major confict erupted when alexander the great overthrew the achameind empire in and matrched eastwards eventually after defeating king prous in the fierce battle of the hydaspes he conquered much of the punjab region but his battle weaery traop refused to advanec further into india to engage formidable arny of nanda dynsty and its vangurad of tramping elephauts new monstorities to the invaders. There fore alexander proceded south west along the indus valley along the way he engaged in several battles with samaller kingdoms before marching his army westward across the makran desert towards modern tran.
Alexander founded several new mocedoniom/greek sttements in gandara and punjab as alexander the great greek and persian armies withdrew westwerd the satrafs left behind by alexander were defeated and conquered by chandrapgupta maurya who found the maura empire wich ruled the region from 321-185 bc The mauryes empire it sellf conquered by the shunga empire which ruled the region form185-to 73 bc. other region such as the khyber pass was left unguarded and a wale of foreign invasion followed. The greek boctrian king demetrius capitalized and he conquered southen afghanistan  and pakistan around 180-bc farming the indo- greek kingdom.alitmate disappard as a political entry around 10, ad following the inasions of the central asian indo-scythians. Their empire morphed in the khushan empirs who ruled until 375 ad the region was then conquered by the persian indo-sassanid empire who ruled rarge parts of it until 565-ad.

Thursday, 6 August 2015



The military history of  Pakistan encompasses an immence ponorama of conficts and stuggles exteding for more than 2,000 year across areas constituting modern pakistan and the greater south Asia. The history of the modern day military of  Pakistan begins from post 1947, after pakistan achieved its independence as a modern nation state. The military holds a significant place in the history of pakistan as the Pakistani Armed froces have played and still countinue to play a voital roale in the pakistani establishment and shapping of the countery since its inception. Although pakistan was founded as a Democracy after its independence from the British Raj, the military has remained one of the countery most powerful institution and has on occasion overthrown Democratically efected civilan goverments on the basis self assessed mismanagement  and corruption. Almost none of the four military coups had a justifed motive successine goverments have made sure that the military has stepped into the political arena before at times of crisis through coup etat to establish military dictatorship and could do so again. The military was created in 1947, by division of the Bristh indian Army and was given units who had a long and cherished history during the Britsh indian such as the khyber Riffels and had seen intensive serves world war 1 and world war 2, may of the early leaders of the military had fought in both world wars. The military draws on inspiration from the richcombat history that has occured
with in the area of modern day pakistani soil and use example of sacrifice and perverance to embolden troops. And has named meadles of valor niknamed for combat division and indigenous weapon sueh as the short range ballistic missiles Ghaznavi. Wich is named in honour of mahmud of Ghazna who founder the Ghaznavid Empire and ruled from 997, to 1030, since the time of independence the militery has fought three major wars with indian. It has also fought a limted confict at kargil with india after acqwiring nuclear capabillites. In addition there have been serval minor border skirmishes with neighbouring Afghanistan after september 11 attacks the militaned is engaged a protracted low intenity confict along pakistan western border with aghanistan with the Taliban and Al qaeda militers as well as those who support or provide shelter to them in addition pakistan troops have also particpated in various foregin conficts usually acting as united nations peackeeprs. At present pakistan has the fargest number of its personnel acting under the united nations with the number standing at 10,173 as of 31 March 2007,

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Main Article.


United nation peaking mission involing pakistan).

In the wake of the new world power equlibring a more complex security enviroment has emergad it is charactized by growing national power politics and state implosing which have necessitated nivolvement of the united nations peace keeping froces for confict resoultion. The united nation has been undertaking peace keeping operations since for employment of increased singnificanty since the gulf war in 1992, there were 11,000 bluce berets deployed arouind the world by, the end of the year the figure rose to 82,000 presently it exceeds 80,000 trops.

Artical, (CROPS),

A crops is an Army field formation responisable for a zone with in a command theatre. There are three types of croups in the pakistan Army strike holding and mixed. A command Gernerally consists of two or more crops a crops has army divisons under its command the crops hq is the highest field. 2012, an avalanche sturck the 6th Novmber light infantry battalion headquarters in gahyari sector of siachen entrapping 135 soldiers.

Monday, 3 August 2015


A Pakistan International Arilines) 

A Pakistan international  Arilines  PIA fight wasent to petch zulfikar ali from new york. Who at that times was presenting pakistan case before the united stated. on the east pakistan crisis. Bhutto retuned home on 18 December 1971, on 20 december he was taken to the presdint house in Rawlpind where he took over tow positions from yahya khan one as president and the other as chief matrial law administrator. The he was the first civilan chief mattial law administrator of pakistan.



In 1977 a coup operation fir play was staged by General Zia ul haq and the Government was overthrown. This led to the hanging of bhutto after he was tried and proelaimed guilty of conspiracy of muderiy a political oppent by zia handpicked judges Zia ratracted on his promise of holding elections with in 90 days and ruled as a military dictator antil his death. In an air carsh in 1988 and Genreal Mohammad iqbal khan served as joint chief from 1980 to 1984 and was the chief martial law.

Officer during that time in mid 1970 the pakistan Army was involved in fighting an uprising in the province of Banlochistan various baloch factions wanted independence or at least greater provinacal right. The Rebellion was put down on the behest of the bhutto Goverment but the Army suffered heavy casualties After bhutto was deposed the province Returned to normaicy under General Rahim u din in 1980, The Pakistan Armed forces co- opertead with the united state to provide arms ammunition assistance to afghan rebels who were fighting the soviet invasion of afganistan.

During Gulf war the pakistan army contributed troops for the defence of Saudi- Arabia against a possibile attack by IRAQ The 153 sp Air defence Regiment deployed in tabuk socred multiple hints on number  Iraqi Scuds and provided round the clock air defence protection to Saudi troops in the area.

Sunday, 2 August 2015


During the rule of yahya khan the people east pakistan protested against various political and enocomic disparties that had been imposed on them by west pakistan and massive civil unrest broke out in east pakistan during operations aganist these rebles which was called operation searchlight, some factions of the pakistan army were responisbll for the 1971, Bangladesh atrocites beginning with the start operations searchlight on 25 march 1971, and due the Bangladesh liberation war. There were numerous human Right abuses in Gast Pakistan(Now Bangladesh) perpetrated by the pakistan Army. with sport from local political and religious militas especially aganist hindu. Time reported a high ranking us official as saying it is the most incredibll calcultaed thing since the days of the nazis in poland. The orginal plan envisioned taking control of the major cities on 26 march 1971, and the elimminating all  oposittion political or with in one month. The prolonged  Bengail resistanee was not anticipad by pakistan planners. The main phase of operation search light ended with the fall of the last major twon in Bengali hands in the mid of may soon heavy fighting broke out between the pakistan army and the Indian backed bangli rebell in.

This period the pakistan army killed an estimate ranging form 26,000 to as many 3 million people. In December 1971, pakistan attacked INDIA western Air bases in an attempt to thwart INDIAN support for the rebels. This officially led to start of the Pakistan-India war of 1971 in the eastern theatre the pakistan army was decimated by the Indian army rebles while in the western front the pakistan army was dffeated in the Battles of basanter and Longewalla on 16, December 1971, lt Genral Amir abudl Khan niazi co , of  Pakistan Army Forces located in east pakistan signed the instrument of surrendr over 93,000 pakistani personnel surrehdered to the joint indian and bangli forces making it the largest surrender since world war war in 1997. R.J Rummel published a book called statistics of domicde Genocide and mass murder since 1900. Chapter called statistics of pakistan demicde estimates calculation and sources. he looks at the 1971,  Bangli libeoation war Rummel worte in east pakistan(Bangladesh), the president and his top Generals also plamed to murder its bengali intellectual cultural and political elite. They also planned to indiscrimnataly murder hunndreds of thousands of its Hindus and drive the rest into India and they planned to destory its economic base to insure that it would be subordinate to west pakistan for least a generation to come.

This plane may be perceived as genocide according to maj(retd) Agha humayn amin, the pakistan army commanders had not seriously considered an indian invasion of east pakistan unitl december 1971, because it was presumed that the Indian military wuld not Risk intervention by China of the united states(US), who were generally close Pakistan allies maj mazhar states that the pakistan Army senior Commando failed to realize that the Chinese would be unable to intervene during the winter months of Novmber to December. Due to snowbound himalayan passes and the (US), had not made any real effort to persuade India aganist attacking  East Pakistan.