Baloch confict:
(see also baloch nationalism).
The baloch rebellin of the 1970 was the most threatening civil disorder to a united since bangladesh secession the pakistan amry froces wanted to establish military garrisos in balochistan province which at that time was a quite lawles and run by tribal jastics the ethnic balochis. Saw this was avalation of their territonal rights. Emboldend by the stand takeen by sheikh muji bur rehman 1971, The baloch and pashutn nationalists also demanded their. Their provincal rights from then prime minister zulfkar ali Bhutto in exchange for the consennsal approvl of the pakistan constutioin of 1973, but while bhutto admited the NWFP and balochistan to NAP coailtion he refused to nagotiate with the provical goverments led by chief minister in quetta and mufti surving the palitical instabillty bhutto contral goverment saceed two provinincal goverment with six month arsted the two chief minister. Two governers and foty-four MNA and MPA obtained an order from the supreme court baming the NAP and changed charged then all wiht high terson to be tried by a specially constiuted. Ityderbad tribunal of handpiked judges in the time baloch. Nationalist insurgancey erupted.
and sukd the armed froces into the province .
This allowed general rahimuddin khan to act as an absoulte matrial law administaor unanwerable to the center goverment both genral zia ul haq and genural rahimuuddin khan supported the diclaration of ganeral amnesty in balochistan to these willing. To give up arms general rahimudin khan then purposefely isolated feudel leaders. Such as nawab akbar khan bugti and atullah mengal from provinical policy he also military put down allcivil disobedience movements effetively leading to uppecdeuted to martial law his rign was the longest in the history of balochistan(1977-1984), tenisons have resufaced recently in the province with the paksitan army bening involed in attacked attacked against an insurgency know as the balochatin liberation armed attempted uprsinng the have take place as recently as 2005,
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