THE WAR OF 1971,
Main Article: Bangladesh liberation warand Inda-Pakistan war 1971.
The first democratic elections in pakistan were held in 1970, with awami league winning with a substantial majority however yahaya khan banned the awami league and declared martial after tanks on sharing power falied bhutto was famusly hard saying break the legs if any member of attend the inaugural session at the nation assembly faring on capitalzation on west pakistan west pakistan fears of east pakistani separatist and bhutto demaneded to from a coalition with mujib both mujib and bhutto were agreed upon the coalition goverment with bhutto as president and mujb as prime minister the military goverment and general yahya khan was keep unware of such of these delelopment both bhutto and mujib coutined a political pressue on khan military goverment . General yahaya khan was postpade the inaugural session and order to arrest mujib was sent to military court where his case headed by judge advocate general branch bigadier.

Genral Rahimuddn khan faced with popular unrest and revoit in gest pakistan the army and naye clamped dwon through vioenec the military goverment of general yahaya khan order rear admiral mohammad shariff commander of estran naval command of the pakistan navy. And lietentant genral amir abdullah khan nazi commander ot the gastern military command of pakistan army to cub and liberate east pakistan from the resistance the navy and army crack down and brutalities during the operation searchlight and operation barisal and the continued killngs throughtout the late mouths resuled in further resentment among the east pakistanwith india assisting and funding the mukti bahni war broke out between the separaitst supporters in bangladesh and paksitan indo pakistanwar 1971, during the confict the coordination between the armed froces were not taken on confidence each froces had led their own independent operations with out notifing to taking on confidence the higher command. To relase the pressure from east pakistan the pakistani army attacked indian out spot at longewala where merely 120, indian amry of 23 punjab regiment was protecing the post the attack was backed by tank regiment but without any air support the battle was decislvely own by the indian army.

with the help of indian air force resulted sutting down of wetrn front it was share example of poor condination of amry, Air force as part of re organizing the country bhutto first disbanded the commander in chief title in the pakistan armed froces he also decommissioned the paksitan armed froces. He also decommissioned the pakistan marines as auntil of the control pakistan armed forces officals and 93,000 soldiers PDW the largest since war 11 the offical war between india and pakistan ended in just a fortnight on december 16,1971 with pakistan losing east pakistan which became banagladesh the offical banladesh goverment clam puts the number of bengali civilan fataitles at 3 millon
Recovery from the 1971,
The military goverment was collapsed as a result of the war. and the contral of the countery was handed over to the zulfikar ali bhutto became country first chief martial law administrator as well as first commander in chief of pakistan. Armed forces be come the leader of his countery in january 1972 bhutto made his move and started the nuclear deterence programme under munir ahmed khan and his advisor abdul salm in july 1972, bhutto proceeded the shimla agreement with india gandhi of india and brought bacme 93,000 pakistani armed froces personnel and recoginized east pakistan as bangladesh as part of re organzing the countery, bhutto first disbanded the commander in chief title in the pakistan armed froces he also decommissioned the pakistan marines. As a unit of pakistan army navy insted chief of staff were opponited itn the three branches and bhutto opponited all 4 star offcers as the chief of staff. in the pakistan armed froces general tikka khan infamous the role in bangladesh liberation war became the first chief of army staff of pakistan army admiral mohammad sharff as first 4 star admiral in the navy and as the first chief of naval staff of pakistan navy and air force because the cording between the armed froces were unsuppoted and the inffective in 1976, bhutto also created the office of joint chief of staff committe for maintaning the coordiantion beween.

The Armed Forces generl muhammad sharff 4 star genral was made its first chairman of the joing of staff committee pakistan defence speding rose by 200% during the bhutto democrate era but the military blance india pakistan wich was at a rough parity during the 1960, was growing decisley in india favor unde bhutto the education system forign poicy and since policy was repiled changed under bhutto goverment funding of the since was exponentillay incressed paksitan atomic enegry commision and kahuta research laboratories class fil projects were launched under bhutto funded the claese filed the military since and engineering projects entrused and led by lieutent general zahid ali akbar of the pakistan army crops of engineers.The united states once again becaame a major soure of military hardware following the armys embargo in 1975, but by then pakistan had become heavly dependent on china as an arms suppler heavy spending on defenuse re energzid the army which had suuk to its lowest morale fallowing the date base of the 1971, war the high defense expendiure took money from other development projects such as education health care and housing.