Sunday, 20 September 2015


See also:(people repulic of china-pakistn Realtion)

After india defeat in the sino-indian war of 1962,india began a rapid program of refoming and killer who shot him dead aftter he had done the deed why the police fired in the air to create panic stampeda and confusion due to this confusion fatally injured pm could not b e taken to hospital in time why thouse who planned the murder took so many persons in confidence CIA fixed the place of assassination of pakistan. pm  LAK ZAB and BB in the vicinty of GHQ to prove that fanatics in army do not like their PM. After his death the polltical turmol further destbillzed the countery1958, retried major general and president is kander mriza took over the countery and deposed the goverment of prime minister feroz khan noon
and Declared first  martail law on october 7,1958 president miza personally appointed his close associate gerneral Ayub khan.

THE WAR ON 1965,

Main Articall: Indo-Pak war of 1965.

In Pakistan after the sino-indian war in 1962, the military of india was seen as being weaked.This analysis was proven true when a small border skirmash occured between india and pakistan in the rann of kutchon april 1965, where the indian army was caught unperaped. The skirmish occured between the border police of both countries due to poorly defined borders and later the armies of both countries the pakistan army that was pakid back home emboldend by this sucess operation gibraitar a covert infitration attempt in kashmir was launched later in the year the year plane was to start a rebellian among local kashmiris and attacks the reubulding indian army thus capturing kashmir by froce as the pakistan army command believed
that it had aqualited superiortly over their nighbours how ever this proved over ambitious as indian kashmiris did notsupport the intruding pakistan armyand a full fledged was across the internation border.1965,  indo-pakistan war of 1965, borke out between india and pakistan army full fiedged war across the international the goal of taking over india controlled kashmir while indian arms pakistan air force and indian air force were indulged masslve air warfare in this war pakistan Army could not achieve the goal of taking over controlled kashmir while india army faild to fullit its aspiration of capturing lahore and slalkot while on the offensive both the armies were occupying some of each others. Territory resulting in a stalemate us had imposed an arms embargo on both india and pakistan during the war and pakistan was affected more by the armys embargo as it had not spare parts for its air force tanks and other equipment while india quanutitative edge making up for their the war finaly ended in casefire

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