The united states was disllusioned by a war in which both countries fought easch other with equipment wihich had been sold for defensive purposes and to stop the spread of commansim. Pakistan calmis that an india attempt to. Fully integrate indian contralled kashmir in to the union of india had compelled.It to act fell on deaf ears in the johson adminstradion and by tuly 1967, the united state withdrew its military assitance advisory groap in reponese to these event pakistan.
declined to renew the lease on the peshwar military facility which ended in 1969, enentually united state pakistan relations grew measuraly weaker as the united state became more depply havolved in victam and as its bordar interest in the seeuivty of south asia wanted. The soviet union countinued the massive bulid up of the indian military and a us arms embargo froced. Pakistan to look at other options it turned to china north korea germany itlay and france for military aid china in particular gave pakistan over 900, tanks mig 19 fighter and enaugh equipment to fully equpi 3 infantry divisons france supplied some mirage aircraft submarines and even the soviet union gave pakistan arounnd 100 t-55 taknks mi-8 Helicopters but that aid was abruptly stopped under inkese indian pressure pakistan is this periad was partially able to enhance its military capabillty .
main Artical: six day war north yemen civil war black september in jorden and hulf war.
pakistan had sent number military advisers to jordan and syria to help in the their training and military preparations for any potential war the with israel planes inelduing of their own.
Jorden and iraq decorated pakistan advisors had remained in jorden and were traning the jorden forces in 1970, king hussein of jorden decided to romved the PLO and its froces from jorden by froce alter a series of terroicst acts attribted to the PLO which indermined jordenian sovereighty on september. 16 king hussein declared martial law. The next day jordanian tanks attacked the headquaters of palestinian organzations in amman the had of pakistan traning mission to jorden bigadier general zia ul haq took command of the jordan army 2nd divison and helped jorden during this crisie pakistan aganits assisted during the yom kippur war sixteen PAF pilots volunteered for servies in the air froces of egypt and syria the PAF CONTINGET DEPLOYED TO INCHAS AIR base led by wing commander massood hatif and five other pilots plus two air difence during this war syrain goverment decorated fight lieutenat starr alvi when he shot down isreili mirage over the golan hights.The Golan hights the PAF pilots then became instructs in the syrian air froce at dumayr air base and after the war paksitan countinued to send military advisers to syria and jorden a part from military advisers no pakistani ground froces participetd in this war in 1969, south yeman which was under a communist regime and astrong ally of the USSP attacked and caputred mount vadiya inside the province of sharoora in saudia arabia many PAF officers as well army personnel who were serving in khamir mushayt training the saudia air frocetook active part in this battle in which the enemy was untimately driven back during the gulf war in 1990, the paksitani goverment jonined the international communtily in condeming the iraq invasion of kuwait pakistan also jonid the coaltion froces to expet saadam hussein froces from kuwait how ever that was not easy decision as the COAS, of the pakistani army was against sending pakistan soldiers to fight the fewllow muslim nation of iraq this caused a area strain in the relation ship between saudia arabia and paksitan later on pakistan agreed to send forces to assist the coalidion froces and most of these froces were deployed along the saudia border with yemen which sided with iraq during the confict and pakistani forces were also stationed around various reigious sites throught saudia arabia pakistan sltered no casuattles in the confisct and later joind the un in rebuilding kuwait destroyed infrastraucture.